The PT (Port Townsend) Skiff is a 5.6m [18’-6”] fuel-efficient utility/camping boat we designed for Russell Brown. The design features a 20hp outboard, 140 liter water ballast tank, fine sections forward and a center console. Top speed is 23 knots with just the driver, and 17 knots with four people aboard. The ride is dry and comfortable in heavy chop. Fuel consumption is under 1 gal/hr. Meets USCG capacity and flooded stability requirements. Production kits are not available at this time, but ambitious individuals who want to build the boat can contact Bieker Boats for guidance getting parts cut and obtaining construction documents.

LOA | 5.6 m (18.5’) |
Beam | 1.88 m (6.2’) |
Draft at Max Load | 0.38 m (15”) |
Launch Weight | 256kg (564#) |
Displacement, Full Load | 627kg (1,379#) |
Water Ballast | 142 liters (320#) |
Engine | 20 HP 4-stroke O.B. |
Max Speed, 1/2 Load | 23 kts |
Max Speed, Full Load | 15 kts |
Capacity | 6 persons or 800 lbs. |
Category: Power